of Magnetism-3
The first 2 lessons of horrors explainably have not caused interest in readers. But without it was impossible to start this section. But now we
have the right to state a difficult material without thinking about that, - how the modern science sees these matters. But insufficient attention of readers to a theme «Magnetic field of the Earth» is in vain! There is also hidden something important that we will mention.
1. A generator of a magnetic stream
I inserted this term by analogy to the electric current generator - the device which characteristic property - to form some value of a current at practical independence from variations of feeding pressure (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The scheme of the generator and it current and voltmetric characteristic.
Neglecting the small change in load of current 6IH, we can say that in the range of changing voltage from Ui to Ua the current is constant. And this is due to the fact that the internal resistance of the transistor is very large compared to the load resistance of Ri>>Rh . What happens if two opposite current generators to operate opposite one to another? In this case, the generator with smaller resistance will subordinated to the regime of the other generator. It turns out, competing with each other, they reach a critical point of equality of internal resistance, and then abruptly switch roles. Accordingly, much of the power is applied first to one generator, then, to another.
That is, changing the parameters of current generators in the time we get a stochastic voltage switch. But in the magnetic circuits, we often encounter the switches, but switches not only electric current but also magnetic flux F and the magnetic tension HL. And what this means - we consider below.
(PS For convenience, references to the previous "horrors" will be denoted by UM1 or UM2, and the page "Magnetic field of earth," respectively - MFE).
2 On the winds, storms and hurricanes
Each of us once thought – from where does the energy to move large air masses comes. Why the wind changes direction, why is there wind rose, why force winds may reach gale force, and even hurricane-value? Finally, we get you a "legitimate" mechanism associated with MFE and diurnal rotation of the Earth.
As shown on page MFE, Earth's magnetic field using the magnetic conductivity of the lower layers of the mantle, the fluctuation-prone magmatic and tectonic disturbances effects (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Characteristic of inner-earthen MFE. |
the daily rotation of the Earth is continuously "scans" section 23nl.-
23sl. by changing longitude for the constancy of the magnetic
conductivity. Look
at the map and you will see that over 80% of the tectonically active
zones lie in
these latitudes, where the direction of the magnetic force is constant.
does this mean? We all know that the normal flow of the magnetic
requires a change of the magnetic field strength (UM2). And this is
true only in
latitudes above 23 ° Nl or Sl. Hence, in the latitudes 0-23
° is the saturation
limit of magnetic core environment and we can expect any
manifestation of this,
including the extreme.
But firstly we will look for soft processes, i.e. smooth change
magnetic core properties
of the earth. Obviously, the daily rotation of the earth, even if there
is no change
in magnetic core, moves the dominant of magnetic chain with a speed of
450 m /
s (on the equator) from west to east. Already just because of this
fact, the
vortex magnetic field will move in the same direction at the expense of
magnetic core branches (Fig. 2 right).
systematic component of the winds, the arguments about which, are valid
only with
presence of the identity of the branches of the conductivity. Their
identity is
not possible by definition, so switching is accompanied by additional
of the conduction disturbances of the magnetic forces - the change in
direction. In the transition to a branch of the bigger conductivity,
the flux
increases, the growth of vortex flow creates a pressure increase of the
magnetic forces and the wind can change direction up to the opposite -
from the
east to west. Mixing of winds creates storm surges of pressures.
interesting is the mechanism of formation of a hurricane. While this
distinction is hardly possible to single out, the most important
features of
the hurricane:
Naturally-power and high slew rate;
• Long
line of action;
Move the
front line by the motion line of the hurricane;
Mostly often direction - from south to north;
Storm winds in a direction perpendicular to the line of motion of
of action-a few days.
that the energy flux is equal to the reactive energy of the surrounding
Therefore, the most unpredictable consequences do not occur with
increasing of magnetic
circuit, but with its sharp decrease. In this situation, the stored
energy is
looking for a way out, trying to preserve the value of the magnetic
flux. This
is the analogy of power generator. And when in the current generator
circuit breaks,
all the voltage source is applied to a break section in the
circuit. The same
here, in the magnetic circuit, this is the generator of the magnetic
flux. But the
nature of finishing of this situation creates for us a variety weather
on Earth's surface.
A hurricane.
comparing the signs
of hurricanes with the principle of operation of the current
generator, we easily guessing the
nature of violations of magnetic circuit:
- A
gradual island
weakening and
the breakdown near
the site of maximum vortex flow pulling.
The most vortex in 23
parallel, hence we should expect the
beginning of
the breakdown and
subsequent movement to the pole. Comes
to mind storm, breaking 10 years ago from Spain through France to England. It acted in such scenario. It lasted several days, sweeping away everything in
its path.
Fig. 3 shows the movement
of hurricane and the nature of storms.
The front of the hurricane is part of the chain, where magnetic field
strength of
the Earth applied (the gap). At this point, the generator can partially
the flow drop of magnetic circuit by inclusion of the lateral branches
of the
conductivity (Figure 3 right). At the Earth's surface we see strong
winds perpendicular
to the movement of the hurricane and the front in the meantime shifted
to the
north, leaving the maximum effect of untwisting of the magnetic flux
from point
1 to point n, where the conductivity is preserved. Here ends the
3. Tornado (tornado).
We come to
the most entertaining topic. Interesting not only in terms of physics, but in practice, this phenomenon causes
great damage and claiming lives. And this, indeed, horrors of
magnetism. In studying
American scientists are engaged in vain for decades, spending annually over 600 thousand
$ special mobile teams are
chasing tornadoes and record air speed probes: streams, which gives little understanding
of the processes. Especially
if you guided by the physics of
The reader may
have noticed the text below the figure 3:
"... flow
generator CAN partially compensate ...». After this phrase a question arises: "But if it can’t ...»? On this question we will answer in this section. And
because in selected text format formulas are
undesirable, we immediately give a graphic image of the tornado (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 The scheme of tornado arising
You have
understood that a tornado is a hurricane, which failed to realize the
energy in the lower layers of the Earth. This
be represented as a discontinuity of the magnetic circuit (section
1.2). Hurricane
simply burst in airspace where in its operation it can include a wide
channel. Even
if the magnetic permeability of air is lower than in solid layers of
the Earth,
this approach can be advantageous in view of the stability of the
properties of air. A
range of operating (variants A and B) in this case depends on the
ability to
perceive by area 2-3 all the flow.
last remark is important - instability of the magnetic permeability
forces the
energy of flow switch constantly branches of conduction, and this
matter is not
a monotonic increase of the total flux. This
switching of flows is perceived by people by exotic circles on the
fields. Most
of them are actually of natural origin, and falsifications
characterized by
small size (not tornado scale). The
circles are traces of branch of magnetic flux, and the paths between
circles - traces of the switches. With
switching, this trace can be absent.
this is not a tornado yet. Firstly,
the circles are drawn by low-energy flows, and secondly, is the fact of
of the conductivities that indicate a lack of crisis required for the
breakdown. That's
why some groups appear on the plains, but not in the rocky regions.
Fig. 5 Illustration of tornado vortex
Tornados should be distinguished at the beginning by the fact-which end of the arcs A and B we observe. Knowing that the energy is concentrated in a very twisted end of the magnetic circuit (23 degrees N or S.), we expect it to spin up at point 1. And as twisting happens counter-clockwise, then the unwinding will be-clockwise. At the same time for the observer, these spins will appear opposite direction (Fig. 5). It should be remembered that the energy flux at the moment extends from point 1 to point 2. That is, we can talk about counter-magnetic flux (-Fm). Variants of the tornado are presented here, and we will describe the ability of tornado to pick up items. Only now the reader will understand why-skin effect considered before UM3. The breaking out magnetic flux has a huge storage of rotational energy. A value of the magnetic flux is determined by the magnetic potential and conductivity of the magnetic circuit. Clearly, the velocity of the carriers on the vector of stream is higher in case B (Fig. 4), since in this case, the magnetic resistance of the circuit is smaller. Vortex rotation tends to spray the carrier stream flow, and axial movement of the carrier-directed to the pinching of the flow (see skin effect). So start of tornado can create thrust skyward (pinching).