Photoelectric effect ( continue)
     We answered only on one question about corpuscles.  Но внимательный читатель, вероятно, уже спрашивает- изменилось ли уравнение Эйнштейна для фотоэффекта и как теперь обойтись без произведения hv? Эти и другие вопросы мы осветим здесь. Напоминаю, что
But the attentive reader may have already asked whether the Einstein equation for the photoelectric effect was changed, and how we do now without the product of hv? These and other questions we shall discuss here. I recall that

     How is it happens? Pressure wave amplitude P of the light source covers the structure of free electrons by a broad front. Therefore, each cell of free electrons ( let it be a conditional cube with sides z) is subject to the action of the waves as pressure increment to the existing pressure  The resulting pressure in the cells increases K times

     If you are familiar with the source [3], the previous material, you know that

     Therefore, with increasing energy of free electrons by the K times their radius decreases by the same factor . Accordingly, the period Tis reduced also , that is - frequency v growing proportional showing the change in energy. Now Einstein's formula for the photoelectric effect

will be almost correct. Why "almost"? Bbecause now, finally, the meaning of the index (max) is defined. Remember, after all, the corpuscular interpretation of the photoelectric effect bypassed in silence this fact. That's because the corpuscles had to have the same energy and the energy spread is impossible. In Figure 3 of the preceding article we see a sine wave, "modulated by light energy." We can therefore use the mean value of energy, omitting the index

     Этим мы не только максимумы учитываем, а охватываем весь спектр энергий электронов, выбитых из фотокатода.      Настало время не только издеваться над эйнштейновским попаданием в "глаз" электронам фотокатода, но и объяснить процесс и физику выбивания. Действительно, корпускула может и промахнуться в электрон, а выбивание по факту строго функциональное. Чтобы понять, как это происходит, напомню, что свободные электроны есть везде, а не только в металлах или воздухе. В общем случае, их плотность пропорциональна объемной плотности среды. Зная их объемную плотность для воздуха м, можно приближенно вычислить величину zk в фотокатоде. Так, например, для цезия, имеющего объемную плотность 1873 (кг/м. куб)
In this way we not only take into account the peaks, but cover the entire energy spectrum of electrons ejected from the photocathode. It's time to not only mock Einstein hit to the "eye" of the photocathode electrons, but also to explain the process and the physics of ejection. Indeed, the corpuscle may miss the electron and knocking on the fact is strictly functional. To understand how this happens, I remind you that free electrons are everywhere, not only in metals or air. In general, their density is proportional to the volume density of the medium. Knowing the bulk density of the air  m, we can approximately calculate the value of zk in the photocathode. For example, for cesium, which has a bulk density of 1873 (kg / cubic meter)

     Consequently, between two free electrons of air could be placed 11.3 electrons of the cathode (in vacuum more). On the site "The Real physics" one cn aquaint with the optical effects stipulated by the structure of free electrons (including the coefficient of refraction of the medium).

Fig.1. Confrontation of free electrons of space and photocathode.

     Рисунок 1 иллюстрирует это противостояние, а также прием энергии поверхностными электронами фотокатода. Видно, что они получают приращение давления, которое относительно глубинных слоев является избыточным. Вот оно-то и выдавливает поверхностные электроны из фотокатода (Рис.2). Именно выдавливает - слово более подходящее.
Figure 1 illustrates this opposition, as well as receiving energy by surface electrons of photocathode. One can see that they get the pressure increment, which is relative to deep layers is redundant. It pushes the electrons from the photocathode surface (Fig. 2). Just "pushes"  - the most appropriate word for this process.

Fig.2. The illustration of pushing the electrons from the body of photocathode.

        A fragment of the picture at right shows the initial pressure distribution in metals. The electrons in the periphery are not balanced in the interactions with the atoms, so there cn be seen a energy surface BOWL. It  determines the work function of electrons from the photocathode. The reader can easily verify that all the signs of the photoelectric effect observed, there are no violations of classical physics, and there were not involved hypothesis to the analysis.
     Thus, portionality of the light inspired the creation of false theories, it isn't created by a light source, but by spatial free-electrons. The light source can generate both constant level of pressure, and changing over time. That's why we see the light of burning match (where would photons come from?) and an intense magnetic field and even a heated metal. The reason for it all is a simple rising of energy density.

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