
     Questions from readers on this subject, had a different editions, from questions to the charges. I'll try to edit and compile correctly essence of doubts of  readers.
1. If you reject the ionization of atoms in metals, how you explain their ionization in solution?
2. Your model of the structure of space can not be explained by a galvanic process in which metal ions move towards the electrons.
I promised to give detailed answers on this site.
      How is understood galvanic process today?

Electroplating is based on the phenomenon of electrocrystallization - deposition on the cathode positively charged metal ions from aqueous solutions of their compounds by passing through a solution of a constant electric current.
Qantitatively galvanic processes are regulated by the laws of Faraday, taking into account secondary processes, which lead to the release on surface of covered products (along with a metal) hydrogen; qualitatively - the type and composition of the electrolyte, the electrolysis mode, ie current density, as well as temperature and mixing intensity

     Actually, it can be read from the questions of readers - it is believed that the metal atoms are ionized and, as positive charges - are attracted to the cathode. It seems so obvious that readers have no doubt in it. Hence the disturbance by concepts of real physics, although I not once wrote that all charges are positive, even in the electron.
Getting acquainted with the new information material, we perceive it through the prism of the old ...
      Imagine that an Englishman who wants to learn the Russian language, hear from the mouth of the Russian man, for example, the phrase "Ai, vosh vota". What would he think? Anything other than that a man found a louse. I assure you, he will understand  this as "I wash water". Well, of course, he would call the phrase illiterate. He will correct you and edit as he understood in English: "I ​​wash my face with water."
Before making corrections, make sure you understand the words in the new language.

Question 1. But how will occur the ionization, if galvanic processes occur at a negligible electrical field~1 (V / m)? Although the current in baths is big (hundreds of A), it achieved at the expense of a large number of carriers, and their velocity are small. The kinetic energy of electrons in these processes is far from the ionization energy of metals. In addition, the ionization can occur only by discrete jumps for the entire armada of moving electrons. These signs are absent, it means that the ionization should be forgotten. I guess that the answer on the first question  has been received, lets proceed to the second.
Question 2. It is more difficult, but ...
     Dear sparring partners! I believe that you have read the page of the site of the structure of space. But you have read only part of the concept. I reject your verdict and will try to 
describe clearly  the reason for the counter drift of metal atoms in solution.

     To do this,we need to use the knowledge of semiconductors, which may suggest that the velocity of electrons is inversely proportional to the volume density of the medium. For what purpose we need it - it will be clear from Figure 1, illustrating the transition of electrons in the chain of "metal-metal solution." The metal here appears as a bridge, and right bridge is like the cathode.

     It turns out that the current in a semiconductor also has a structure, it is important in this case that the electron density near the cathode is small, and the closer to the anode, their concentration increases.
     Cheer up, the worst is yet to come, if we begin to summarize the electrical force F = Hq, acting on each electron. Thus, at a distance L between the cathode and anode, and in condition of  stillness of the last electron in the chain,
the total force is equal to 


    A typical value of the length L of the order of 0.2 m gives us an enormously big multiplyer or If we now calculate the pressure in the cells of the electronic structure

we will find that it has a gradient reverse direction against the gradient force F = Hq. Here it was he who causes the metal atoms move towards the cathode. But the pressure gradient acts on the electrons, slowing their progress. Do not stop if it is a movement at all?
      It turns out - no, because this force is proportional to the electron cross-sectional area F = PS (and atom). And since the radius of the electron in 4,26 E +04 times less than the radius of an atom, such inhibition is negligible.
      Here, we must say that the essence of the process outlined 
sketchily, not including some of the nuances. For example, the force (1) in practice smaller, because its accumulation is
at  We also do not consider the deformation of the electronic structure near the anode, these parameters do not make a qualitative change in the overall picture. Nature of the change of pressure in the galvanic bath is shown in Figure 2.

    I think that readers no longer have any doubt that all the theories are based on ionization of solutions and metals-bluff.
      And you and I can briefly touch upon some other related issues.

1. Ejection of atoms from the anode
It remains to answer the question, how does an atom escapes from the crystal lattice of the metal. This is above and beyond what was asked readers. This is due to three factors:
1) The outer layer of atoms is unstable, because does not have the total amount of bonds. The "shoreline" of atoms is divided into many "peninsulas"

2) When 
electrons enter into the metal  they sharply rearranged to bring the structure of the solution z to z of the metal. This causes the transverse current in the plane of the anode surface. Additional pressure from the transverse current weakens and breaks off nuclear "peninsula"

3) Pressure of electrons from the solution increases the pressure inside the metal (deeper "shoreline"). This pressure pushes out separated atoms from the metal.

2. Electrolysis.

     Как мы уже отметили, сила, обусловленная встречным градиентом давления, пропорциональна площади сечения электрона или атома. А если не атом, а молекула? Например, молекула Н2О. Её площадь на порядок выше, чем сечение атома. Поэтому она сразу резко ускоряется, приобретая кинетическую энергию. Ничем, кроме столкновений с атомами металла, рост кинетической энергии не ограничен. Поэтому энергия и растет до требуемого для развала значения. А когда молекула воды развалилась, водороду легче всего образовать свою молекулу Н2 и под действием давления выйти на поверхность. Впрочем, всегда сохраняется вероятность достижения катода.
As we have noted, the force stipulated by opposite pressure gradient is proportional to the cross-sectional area of an electron or an atom. And if not an atom, but molecule? For example, a molecule of H2O. Its area is much larger than the cross section of an atom. Therefore, it is immediately accelerated , gaining kinetic energy. Increase of the kinetic energy is not limited by nothing, except of the collision with the metal atoms. Therefore, the energy grows to the desired value for the dissociation. And when the water molecule is breaks apart, it is easy for hydrogen (H2) to be created  and it  comes to surface under pressure. However, always remains the probability to reach the cathode.

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